Leszek Ignatowicz
Faculty Distinguished University Professor Institute for Biomedical Sciences- Education
1984 B.S. - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Wroclaw University, Poland.
1985 M.S. - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Wroclaw University, Poland.
1990 Ph.D. - Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Wroclaw, Poland.
- Biography
Leszek Ignatowicz obtained his Ph.D. from the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy in Wroclaw, Poland. In 2007, he was appointed a professor of immunology at Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. His major research interests are: immune tolerance, T cells development and regulatory CD4+Foxp3+ T cells. Notable achievements include the characterization of TCR repertoire of thymus-derived regulatory T cells and their role in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis.
Research in my laboratory is focused on studying the ontogeny and function of T lymphocytes using genetically manipulated mice. T lymphocytes express antigen receptors (also called T cell receptors-TCRs) that recognize antigens as short peptides bound to MHC. These peptides are derived from the body’s self-proteins or outside sources. In healthy individuals, T cells remain unresponsive (tolerant) to self-peptides/MHC complexes. Tolerance to self is enforced in the thymus, where developing thymocytes with high avidity TCRs against self MHC/peptide complexes are negatively selected. Normal thymocytes that survive selection express TCRs that very weakly recognize self-peptide/MHC complexes. An important feature of T cell development that remains to be explained is how self-peptide/MHC complexes can deliver both death-inducing signals that purge the repertoire of potentially harmful self-reactive T cells and positive signals that ensure survival but not overt activation. To determine how T lymphocytes with auto-aggressive specificities escape death in the thymus, we have studied mice that express MHC molecules bound exclusively with a single, covalently attached peptide, instead of thousands of peptides that are naturally bound to MHC. The TCR repertoire in “single peptide” mice is not depleted of potentially autoreactive T cells that are found in peripheral lymphoid organs. Nevertheless, mice remain healthy because T cells selected in the thymus by one type of MHC/peptide complex are also only exposed to the same complexes in the rest of the body. However, when these mice receive cells from wild-type mice expressing the same MHC bound with many self-peptides, it elicits a robust T cells activation of T cells. These mice are therefore a valuable model to study how the lack of central tolerance provokes systemic and organ-specific autoimmunity.
During my research career, I have been studying the development and function of the immune system and mechanisms of organ specific autoimmune diseases, as evidenced by my recent publications. I also have a long-standing interest in immunological tolerance, mucosal immune system, T cell development and bioinformatics applications related to the analysis of TCR diversity.
Our research demonstrated that when thymic selection occurs in the absence of multiple self-derived antigens bound to MHC, many T cells are activated by self-antigens and non-self, allo-antigens bound to MHC molecules. We also showed that subsets of CD4+ T cells that have effector or regulatory properties have comparable frequencies of clones that can recognize with high affinity self and non-self-antigens. Finally, we also presented evidence that intestinal homeostasis depends on thymus–derived regulatory T cells that induce tolerance to commensal-derived antigens. This research is important for our understanding of how the immune system develops and why immunoresponse to particular antigens can lead in some individuals to an autoimmunity.
We study different mechanisms of tolerance induction to self-antigens. In particular, we are interested in deciphering if thymus or peripherally derived regulatory T cells that express transcription factor Foxp3 have redundant or complimentary antigen specificities for self and non-self-antigens, respectively. For our work on the role of regulatory T cells in response to alloantigenes, in 2011 I received The Roche Organ Transplantation Research Foundation (ROTRF) Recognition Prize, which is awarded to investigators whose ROTRF-funded projects had a major impact on the field of transplantation.
- Publications
- L. Ignatowicz: "T cell antigen receptors." Post. Hig. 1989, 3: 1-12.
- W. Swat, Igantowicz L., P. Kisielow: "Detection of apoptosis of immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes by flow cytometry". J. Immunol. Meth. 1991, 137:79-87.
- W. Swat, Ignatowicz L., von Boehmer H., P. Kisielow: "Clonal deletion of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes in suspension culture by extrathymic antigen-presenting cells". Nature, 1991, 351: 150-153.
- L. Ignatowicz, Kappler J. W., Marrack P.: "The effect of chronic infection with a Superantigen-producing virus" J. Exp. Med. 1992, 175: 917-923.
- P. Marrack, McCormack J., Callahan J., Ignatowicz L., J.W. Kappler: "T cell tolerance" Chest. 1993, 3:76-78.
- P. Marrack, Freed J. H., Ignatowicz L. M., McCormack J., Callahan J. Hugo P., and J. W. Kappler: "Control of the T cell repertoire" Progress in Immunology, 1993, VIII, Springer Verlag
- M. T. Scherer, Ignatowicz L., Winslow G.M., Kappler J. W., and P. Marrack: "Superantigens; Bacterial and viral proteins that manipulate the immune system" Ann. Rev. Cell Biology, 1993, 9:101-28.
- P. Marrack., Ignatowicz L., Kappler J. W.., Boymel J. and J.Freed: "Comparison of peptides bound to the spleen and thymus class II" J. Exp. Med. 1993, 178:2173-2183
- L. Ignatowicz, Kappler J. W., Marrack P, M.T. Scherer: "Identification of two Vb7 specific superantigens", J. Immunol., 1994, 1:65-71
- L. Ignatowicz, Winslow G. M., Bill J., Kappler J. W., and P. Marrack: "Cell surface expression of Class II MHC proteins occupied by a single peptide" J. Immunol., 1995, 154, 3852-3862.
- M.T. Scherer, L. Ignatowicz, A. Pullen, J.W. Kappler, and P. Marrack: "The use of Mtv negative and single Mtv mice to evaluate the effects of endogenous viral superantigens on the T cell repertoire. J. Exp. Med., 1995, 182, 1493-1504.
- L. Ignatowicz, J.W. Kappler and P. Marrack: "The repertoire of T cells shaped by a single MHC/peptide ligand" Cell, 1996, 84, 521-529.
- L. Ignatowicz, J.W. Kappler, D. Parker, and P. Marrack: "The responses of mature T cells are not necessarily antagonized by their positively selected peptide" J. Immunol. (Cutting Edge) 1996, 157, 1827-1831.
- P. Marrack, L. Ignatowicz, D. Parker, Liu C-P, and J. Kappler. "The structure and specificity of T cells selected by a single MHC/peptide combination" HLA and Disease - The Molecular Basis, 1997. Alfred Barjon Symposium, Murksgaard, Copenhagen.
- L. Ignatowicz, Rees, W, Pacholczyk R, Ignatowicz, H., Kushnir E, Kappler J., and P. Marrack: "T cells can be activated which are unrelated in sequence to their selecting peptide" Immunity, 1997, 7, 179-186
- N. A. Wilson, Wolf P, Ploegh H., Ignatowicz L, Kappler JW, and P. Marrack: "Invariant chain can bind MHC class II at a site other than the binding groove" J. Immunol., 1998, 161(9)47777-4784.
- P. Kusnierczyk, Pacholczyk R, Chmielowski B, and L. Ignatowicz: “Role of peptide ligand in the positive selection of T lymphocytes” Cent. Eur. J. Immunol. 1998, 23, 169-182.
- B. Chmielowski, Muranski, P and L. Ignatowicz: "Repertoire of CD4+ T cells positively selected by a single class II MHC/peptide complex and tolerant to normal self-peptides retains different antigen specificities". J. Immunol. 1999, 162, 95-105.
- W.F. Thayer, Ignatowicz L, and P.E. Jensen: "CLIP-independent binding of invariant chain to class II major histocompatibility complex molecules" J. Immunol. 1999, 162, 1502-1509.
- B.Chmielowski, Muranski P, and L Ignatowicz: "On the role of high and low abundance class II MHC/peptide complexes in the positive selection of CD4+ T cells" Int. Immunol. 2000,12,67-72.
- P. Muranski, Chmielowski B, and L Ignatowicz: "Mature CD4+ T cells perceive a positively selecting class II MHC/Peptide complex in the periphery" J. Immunol. 2000, 164, 3087-3094.
- J.P.Kovalik, Singh N, Mendiratta SK, Martin WD, L. Ignatowicz, and L. van Kaer "Alloreactive and self-restricted CD4+ T cells directed against the same MHC class II/peptide complex have similar sensitivities to alterations in the peptide sequence" J. Immunol. 2000, 165,1285-1293
- A.Gaszewska-Mastalarz, Muranski P, Chmielowski B, Kraj P, and L Ignatowicz"Altered selection of CD4+ T cells by class II MHC bound with dominant and low-abundant self-peptides. J. Immunol.2000, 165:6099-6106.
- P. Kraj, Pacholczyk R, and L. Ignatowicz: "abTCRs differ in the degree of their specificity for the positively selecting MHC/peptide ligand" J. Immunol.2001, 66: 2251-2259.
- R. Pacholczyk, Kraj P, and L. Ignatowicz "An incremental increase in the complexity of peptides bound to class II MHC changes the diversity of positively selected abTCRs" J. Immunol.2001, 166: 2357-2363.
- P. Kraj, Pacholczyk, Ignatowicz H, Kisielow P, Jensen P, and L.Ignatowicz "Positive selection of CD4+ T cells is induced in vivo by agonist and inhibited by antagonist peptides" J. Exp. Med., 2001, 194(4), 427-438.
- R. Pacholczyk, Kraj P, and L. Ignatowicz "Peptide specificity of thymic selection of CD4+CD25+ T cells" J. Immunol., 2002, 168,613-620.
- B.A.Sullivan, Kraj P, Weber DA, Ignatowicz L, and P. Jensen "Positive selection of a Qa-1 restricted T cell receptor with specificity for insulin" Immunity, 2002, 17,95-105.
- B.Chmielowski, Pacholczyk R, Kraj P, Kisielow P, and L. Ignatowicz" Presentation of antagonist peptide to naive CD4+ T cells abrogates spatial reorganization of class II MHC/peptide complexes on the surface of dendritic cells" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2002, 99, 15012-15017
- G.L. Stephens. Ashwell JD, and L.Ignatowicz: "Glucocorticoids mediate distinct functions in early versus late thymic ontogeny" Int. Immunol., 2003, 15(5) 623-632.
- G.L. Stephens and L.Ignatowicz "Activation thresholds influence commitment to a regulatory lineage" Eur. J. Immunol., 2003, 33(5), 1282-1291.
- W.P. Thayer, Dao CT, Ignatowicz L, and P.E. Jensen "A novel single-chain I-Ab molecule can stimulate and stain antigen-specific T cells" Molec. Immunol., 2003,39(14)861-70.
- T. Uz-Zaman, Ignatowicz L, N.H. Sarkar "Mouse mammary tumor viruses expressed by RIII/Sa mice with a high incidence of mammary tumors interact with the V2 and V8 specific T cells during viral infection". Virology, 2003, 314, 294-304.
- Bridges CC, Hu H, Miyauchi S, Siddaramappa UN, Ganapathy ME, Ignatowicz L, Maddox DM, Smith SB, Ganapathy V. "Induction of cystine-glutamate transporter xc- by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transactivator protein that in retinal pigment epithelium". Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci., 2004, 45(9):2906-14.
- I. Nowak, Pajtasz-Piasecka E, Chmielowski B, Ignatowicz L, and P. Kusnierczyk “The specific T-cell response to antigenic peptide is influenced by bystander peptides” Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett. , 2006, 11, 70-79.
- R. Pacholczyk, Ignatowicz H, Kraj P, and L. Ignatowicz “Origin and TCR diversity of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells”. Immunity , 2006. 25, 249-259.
- R. Pacholczyk, Kern J, Singh N, Iwashima M, Kraj P, and L. Ignatowicz "Non-self-antigens are the cognate specificities of Foxp3+ TR cells." Immunity, 2007, 27(3), 493-504
- M. Kuczma, Podolsky R, Garge N, Daniely D, Pacholczyk R, Ignatowicz L, and P. Kraj" Foxp3-Deficient Regulatory T Cells Do Not Revert into Conventional Effector CD4+ T Cells but Constitute a Unique Cell Subset" J. Immunol., 2009; 183: 3731 – 3741.
- D. Daniely, Kern J, Cebula A, and L. Ignatowicz "Diversity of TCRs on natural Foxp3+ T cells in mice lacking Aire expression".Diversity of TCRs on natural Foxp3+ T cells in mice lacking Aire expression" J. Immunol., 2010; 184: 6865 - 6873.
- N. Singh, Pacholczyk R, Iwashima M, and L. Ignatowicz "Generation of T cell hybridomas from natural FoxP3+ regulatory T cells" Methods in Cell Biology, 2011. 707:39-44
- J. Van Valkenburgh, Albu DI, Bapanpally C, Casanova S, Califano D, Jones DM, Ignatowicz L, Kawamoto S, Fagarasan S, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Liu P, and D. Avram: "Critical role of Bcl11b in suppressor function of T regulatory cells and prevention of inflammatory bowel disease" J. Exp. Med, 2011,208(10):2069-81.
- G.A. Rempala, Seweryn M, and L. Ignatowicz "Model for Comparative Analysis of Antigen Receptor Repertoires" J. Theor. Biol., 2011, 269(1):1-15.
- Sonne S, Shekhawat PS, Matern D, Ganapathy V, and L. Ignatowicz.:Carnitine deficiency in OCTN2-/- newborn mice leads to a severe gut and immune phenotype with widespread atrophy, apoptosis, and a pro-inflammatory response. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e47729. PMID: 23112839.
- Greene J, Birtwistle MR, Ignatowicz L, Rempala GA.: Bayesian multivariate Poisson abundance models for T-cell receptor data. J. Theor. Biol. 2013 Mar 1; 326C:1-10.
- Cebula A, Seweryn M, Rempala GA, Pabla SS, McIndoe RA, Denning TL, Bry L, Kraj P, Kisielow P, and Ignatowicz L: "Thymus-derived regulatory T cells control tolerance to commensal microbiota" Nature, 2013, 497(7448):258-62.
- Goto Y, Panea C, Lee C, Cebula A, Laufer TM, Ignatowicz L, and Ivanov II "Presentation of segmented filamentous bacteria antigens by lamina propria dendritic cells drive mucosal Th17 cell differentiation" Immunity, 2014, 40(4),594–607.
- Wojciech L, Ignatowicz A, Seweryn M, Rempala G, Pabla S, McIndoe RA, Kisielow P and L. Ignatowicz "The same self-peptide selects conventional and regulatory T cells with identical antigen receptors." Nature Comm., 2014, 5:5061. PMID: 25270305
- L. Wojciech and L. Ignatowicz "Tregs strip dendritic cells of CD70 to regulate Th1 differentiation" EMBO J. 2015, (34) 10,1290–1292.
- Kuczma M, Wang C-Y, Ignatowicz L, Gourdie R, and P. Kraj "Altered Connexin 43 Expression Underlies Age-Dependent Decrease of Regulatory T Cell Suppressor Function in Nonobese Diabetic Mice" J. Immunol. 2015, 194, 5261-71.
- Szurek E, Cebula A, Wojciech L, Pietrzak M, Rempala G, Kisielow P, and Ignatowicz L" Differences in Expression Level of Helios and Neuropilin-1 Do Not Distinguish Thymus-Derived from Extrathymically-Induced CD4+Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 23;10(10): e0141161.
- B. Scirka, Szurek E, Pietrzak M, Rempala G, Kisielow P, Ignatowicz L, and A. Miazek: "Anti-GITR antibody treatment increases TCR repertoire diversity of regulatory but not effector T cells engaged in the immune response against B16 melanoma". Arch. Immunol. Ther. Exp, 2017 Dec;65(6):553-564
- Kraj P, Ignatowicz L." Mechanisms shaping the repertoire of CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells." Immunology, 2018 Mar;153(3):290-296.
- Wojciech L, Szurek E, Kuczma M, Cebula A, Elhefnawy WR, Pietrzak M, Rempala G, Ignatowicz L “Non-canonically recruited TCRαβCD8αα IELs recognize microbial antigens.” Science Reports. 2018 Jul 18;8(1):10848.
- Browning LM, Pietrzak M, Kuczma M, Simms CP, Kurczewska A, Refugia JM, Lowery DJ, Rempala G, Gutkin D, Ignatowicz L, Muranski P, Kraj P." TGF-β-mediated enhancement of TH17 cell generation is inhibited by bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1α signaling." Science Signaling.2018 Aug 28;11(545).
- Cebula A, Kuczma M, Szurek E, Pietrzak M, Savage N, Elhefnawy WR, Rempala G, Kraj P and L. Ignatowicz "Dormant pathogenic CD4Foxp3- T cells are prevalent in the peripheral repertoire of healthy mice". Nature Comm., 2019,10(1):4882.
- M.P. Kuczma, Szurek EA, Cebula A, Chassaing B, Jung YJ, Kang SM, Fox JG, Stecher B, and L. Ignatowicz "Commensal epitopes drive differentiation of colonic Tregs" Science Advances, 2020, 6 (16), eaaz3186.
- L.M. Browning, Miller C, Kuczma M, Pietrzak M, Jing Y, Rempala G, Muranski P, Ignatowicz L, Kraj P. "Bone Morphogenic Proteins are immunoregulatory cytokines controlling FOXP3(+) T(reg) cells". Cell Reports, 2020 Oct 6;33(1):108219.
- V.L. Ngo, Abo H, Kuczma M, Szurek E, Moore N, Medina-Contreras O, Nusrat A, Merlin D, Gewirtz A.T, Ignatowicz L, and T.L. Denning "IL-36R signaling integrates innate and adaptive immune-mediated protection against enteropathogenic bacteria" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2020, 117(44):27540-27548.
- Kuczma M, Szurek E, Cebula A, Ngo VL, Pietrzak M, Kraj P, Denning TL, Ignatowicz L "Self, and microbiota-derived epitopes induce CD4+ T cell anergy and conversion into CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory cells" Mucosal Immunol., 2021. 14(2):443-454.